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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 40 - Issue 27 - July 8, 2021

(Published in the Kansas Register July 8, 2021.)

South Kansas and Oklahoma Railroad

Notice to Bidders

The South Kansas and Oklahoma (SKOL) Railroad will solicit proposals from qualified bidders to furnish all equipment, material, and labor to perform the following tasks in Southeast Kansas and Northeast Oklahoma. Work shall include rail, ties, ballast, surfacing, bridgework, turnouts, and other associated material necessary to rehabilitate 200 miles of mainline track. This project is a federal funded project and bidder will be required to comply with all federal requirements including prevailing wage, Davis-Bacon Act, Buy America, etc. The preferred bidder will bid the entire package as a general contractor with no restrictions. Should portions of the project need to be subcontracted out, those bids shall be included in the entire bid package. Please note: CDL of Pittsburg, Kansas is the SKOL Railroad’s preferred signal provider and will be used to design and construct the signalized crossing in Bartlesville, Oklahoma at Frank Phillips Blvd. That cost will need to be included in your bid (price will be provided to all bidders.)

For those contractors bidding as a general contractor, each component of the project should be presented individually and then combined into one single bid. Those contractors wishing to bid only individual components of the project, please submit your bids for the components you desire to bid on.

Project Numbers

  • (FRA Grant Agreement No. 69A36521402770CRSKS)
  • FR-CRS-0096-21-01-00
  • (KDOT Project No. 106 RA-5412-21)

Project Scope

  • Mobilization and demobilization – Lump Sum
  • Extract and install approximately 148,685 new, 7x9x8.6’ (Grade 5) crossties
  • Distribute approximately 60,390 tons ballast
  • Tamp and regulate approximately 1,062,864 ft.
  • Replace 12 switches
  • Rebuild 65 crossings
  • Install approximately 34 miles of 115# Welded CWR
  • Rehabilitate 26 bridges
  • Design/construct traffic signals and replace surface at Frank Phillips Blvd. (CDL)

Bidders will be requested to provide all the material in accordance with the project documents, including, but not limited to the plans and specifications which will be made available on the Watco website.

Bid Documents

The information for bidders and other project documents may be ordered from Cameron Ginther, Project Manager at 785-513-6049 or

Pre-Bid Meeting

9:00 a.m. (CST) July 16, 2021, at the Cherryvale Community Center, 712 S. Liberty St., Cherryvale, KS 67335. Contractors are encouraged to be present at this meeting as additional information may become available.

Bid Submission

Bids will be received by the SKOL Railroad in care of Watco, 315 W. 3rd St., Pittsburg KS 66762. The bids must be submitted to Cameron Ginther no later than 3:00 p.m. (CST) Monday August 9, 2021. The owner reserves the right to waive any irregularities and to reject any and all bids that are not properly submitted or are unable to fulfill the necessary requirements.

All contractors must recognize that this project contains federal funding and must comply with Federal Requirements such as, but not limited to, the Davis-Bacon Act, “Buy America,” and the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), where applicable.

NOTE: All material and work performed must meet AREMA Standards and Watco Specifications in accordance with all applicable sections of Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Contractors will assume responsibility for compliance with all local, State and Federal statutes and regulations including the assessment of appropriate sales tax.

Cameron Ginther
Project Manager

Doc. No. 049259